That was the only reason he would call - otherwise they never knew we existed! They just wanted to find out if we had 'punched in and out correctly'
this happened fairly recently.
my book study overseer who never calls if i am absent at the meeting, will call me with clockwork regularity at the beginning of the month and ask for my field service report.
has this ever happened to you?
That was the only reason he would call - otherwise they never knew we existed! They just wanted to find out if we had 'punched in and out correctly'
do you think the mags are losing their appeal at the doors these days?.
i mean, if you have the internet and wanted to learn about a particular beetle, recipe or how to cook rice, you could look it up on the web right?.
if you wanted to learn about brightly colored birds and fish, you could go to
yellowlab said-
The Watchtower/Awake method of delivery is becoming archaic. People have resorted to new, modern ways to do research on subjects, like the Internet. Back when I was a kid there was no Internet and the only way to do research was to go to the library or read a magazine. The WTS still thinks that going door-to-door and peddling magazines is the answer, but in reality it is so grossly ineffective. Many institutions and companies have embraced the Internet, but for the WTS it must be their worst nightmare, "a tool of Satan".
This could be a great undoing for them - their fear of the truth that lies out here in cyberspace could unravel the fantasy for millions -and they damn well know it! I think they are finding themselves in a catch 22 here - they need to embrace this technology or loose the herd - but if they embrace this technology they will loose the herd. Rock and a hard spot I would say!
I have laying on my desk the first copies of the magazines I have invited into my house in about a year and a half. They are oriented toward the negative/disaster minded!!!
Watchtower Feb 1 - What is your life worth? Pictures a serious looking man with a frown in a business suit walking down a busy street. I have not opened the mag - but this would not appeal to me! First thought is 'what does this business man have to do with my view of life and it's worth'.
Awake Feb 8 - Relief from stress! Pictures a young man with his hands over his face as if worried about life somehow. Also would not appeal to me if I were looking for something to hold onto - Just seems negative.
Just my opinion
i was envolved about 16 years ago in a committee that sole purpose was to disfellowship a respected member of the congregation for being an apostate.
we recieved information from the wt legal department and co and do on how to proceed.
often the co and do would meet with us individually to sort of direct the process.
A couple years back - when I was having doubts - but before starting the 'fade' - this one elder kept asking me questions that were similar to what I posted above - seemed like he was taking his lead from somewhere besides his own brain. [His own brain was not that much on the ball]
Just my opinion
i was envolved about 16 years ago in a committee that sole purpose was to disfellowship a respected member of the congregation for being an apostate.
we recieved information from the wt legal department and co and do on how to proceed.
often the co and do would meet with us individually to sort of direct the process.
Gee - can I guess - can I ? Can I ? [Hand raising and waving in the air]
1- Do you accept Jehovah's witnesses to be 'God's spirit directed mouthpiece'? [or substance]
2- Do you feel under obligation to submit to the 'spirit directed' organization without hesitation? [or substance]
At least these are what I suspect they would say here? Am I close? [looking like a puppy wishing approval pat]
Not trying to steal the stage here Frankin -
Just my opinion
the society's new book 'organized to do jehovah's will', to be released in the congregations .
on the 20th of march, introduces a change in the df and da announcements.
announcements will read the same: "[name of person] is no longer one of jehovah's .
While not unexpected, this is disturbing. I wonder if a new wave of DA'ings will arrive with the book. So far doc and I haven't been officially DA/DF'd, although from the way we are completely shunned by dubs we might as well have been.
Kitties -
Wifey and I are in same boat here. Most disturbing is the inferrence of wickedness - and with the DA'ing approach, they can make you out as wicked, when all you did is leave. I have never agreed with that from the outset of the policy decades ago.
This 'tightening' may backfire though. Even those who get used to injustice will begin to chaff when they see it practiced so widely and with pettiness.
Once the fantasy gets shattered by those who oppress others - by oppressing them too much - the retribution can be swift. Example; Mousillini! (Italians pardon the spelling) Sadam now has millions who would love to pull the trigger, inject the drug, or drop the sword on him at his execution.
Just my opinion
ever given any thought to your own funeral?
do you plan to have a memorial service, in a kh?
or in a church?
I was in the funeral industry for a time. One of my co-workers said to me one time how he wanted things handled. I thought I would split a gut, and I still laugh 25 years later when I think of it;
He said he had told his wife, " Honey when I die, have me cremated. Get a douche bag, mix me up in a little water, and run me through one more time."
I think that tops them all!
ever given any thought to your own funeral?
do you plan to have a memorial service, in a kh?
or in a church?
Prophecor said-
I would prefer to die on a mountain, never to be found again, or even have need of a funeral!!!
I have thought the same thing for years - some of the Native American's did that. When one knew it was about time to die, he would just wander into the mountains and never return. If it was a nice spring or summer day, I could see taking my last look at the world sitting peacefully under a mountain ashe, gazing over the valley below, with the sun in my face.......
apostate - .
deserter: a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
not faithful to religion or party or cause .
Never knew that the NWT used apostate in places that would be translated otherwise in others. Thanx for that info.
Question; Did the WTS make 'revisions' to the NWT after the deposing of Raymond Franz incident in the early 80's that included these changes? Does anyone have a c.1961 Green Bible to check these references against. I don't own one any longer. Now that would be interesting to know.
Did the 'Great Apostate Scare of '81' cause them to alter the translation - or were they always paranoid enought to know they would eventually need this twisted word translation?
[of the 'Inquiring minds want to know' class....]
since it is well defined that when the wt kicks you out you are disfellowshipped - there action.
and that when you want to leave you disassociate - your action.
how is it that the wt can da you?
Since when is lack of love, malicious gossip, slander, contempt, jealousy, spiteful speech, haughtiness, self-righteousness, drunkeness, laziness, judging others, greediness, having no real faith, hate, un-justified shunning, etc. OK? Most Dub's are repeatedly guilty.
How true.
I am niether DA'd or DF'd, nor guilty of any 'scriptural reason' for them. We have 'faded', but not without notice. The local Pharrasees have made damn sure that if they could not DF me they would slander me. One sister recently concluded our 35 year freindship with me. She stated that until I returned to Jehovah she would have nothing to do with me. I asked her to tell me on what basis she judged me, other than congregational gossip? Of course I got no answer, because that was the whole basis for this unkindness! It is a powerful tool - and they use it!
As to DA'ing. I think that the organization probably has all those bases covered well legally. Somewhere I read some detail on that it was hard to fight, and that they had the legal right to view Da'd ones anyway they wished. I think legal has a packet filled with intimidation that they send to those who threaten legal action in these matters. Seems like Bill Bowen has info on that on his site.
I agree though - how can they justify treating one who just leaves as 'wicked, and unrepentant'? But remember who we are dealing with here!
Just my opinion
of all the privileges only brothers may have, doing mics seemed to be one of the most tedious.
it was definitely something you could graduate from... but why?
when i was the sound guy, it was always so hard to get brothers to do the mics.
Speaking of sisters doing those things - I know that in the earlier days - and I am not talking 'ancient history' here - like in the 50's or 60's even, many of the jobs had to be done by sisters. Some even conducted meetings, and offered congregational prayers.
This was a little before my time - but not much. By the time I got the 'truth' (read: the false), all those sisters who pulled the load were dropped like lead bricks. One sister remarked to me often in service of her 'responsibilities' in the hall she attended. She seemed hurt that no one knew of her contributions.